Week of November 25 - December 1, 2024
Morning Work:
Calendar Time: We review the date, place a sticker on the day, and count how many days have stickers on them. We talk about the days of the week (today, yesterday, tomorrow) and sing a days of the week song. We talk about the months and seasons and sing a months of the year song. Then, the kids pick a phone number from our family phone list and practice calling that number (this is great for safety and number recognition).
Daily Schedule: Each night I prep the daily schedule with the subjects we’ll be covering the next day. The kids take turns picking subjects until all have been Velcroed to the schedule.
Language Arts:
Each day we review the letters of the alphabet, their sounds, and motions. The video below is a fantastic resource for letter sounds and movements.
Four days a week, we do a segment of a day from Phonemic Awareness by Michael Heggerty (I was given this resource). This is all about rhyming, segmenting, blending, onset, rhyme, and more.
We worked through lessons 33-38 of Unit 3 which covered I - L.
Reading: We always read at least two books, but I’ll read for as long as they want or for as much time as we can. For some books, I’ll just read (interactive reading) while for others, I will ask questions as we go (dialogic reading) or point out our sound of the week. I try to do a mix of reading for fun and reading for learning during this time. You can click the link at the top of the page to view our reading log for some great book suggestions. We also read poems and nursery rhymes each week. (Nursery Rhymes, poems, classic stories, and songs teach a whole slew of skills. Here is an excellent article that provides a broad idea of the educational impact these can have.)
We finished Week 10 of Math With Confidence Kindergarten, which focused on patterns and started Week 11 which focused on comparing without numbers. We compared height and length this week.
Each day, the kids complete at least one page of The Good and The Beautiful Doodles and Pre-Writing for Littles Part 1. Some days, one page is enough. On other days, they’ll sit and complete four or more pages. Right now, the focus is mostly on learning to master a solid pencil hold.
*My older kids are off school this week for Thanksgiving break, so I only worked on the main subjects with L and N this week.*
Social Studies (Monday):
Cooking (Tuesday):
Art (Wednesday):
Music (Thursday):
Science (Friday):
Other Resources:
What Your Kindergartner Needs to Know by E.D. Hirsch, Jr. (Amazon affiliate link included). This book has stories, poems, and more that we use to supplement our lessons.
The Core Knowledge Sequence (a free standards resource). I use this as a checkpoint along the way to make sure that we are covering all needed topics.
I will supplement with other resources wherever required. As I create resources, I’ll add them to my Teachers Pay Teachers page.
We are finally all healthy again. Hopefully, we can get back to a normal routine next week.
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: Family Thanksgiving take 2
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: Church
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! If you have comments or suggestions, feel free to share those as well! You can also contact me at amanda.clark@amandaclarkbooks.com.